Delivery To Star Hill Farm

Well, we’ve arrived safely at Star Hill Farm with all of the glass carefully crated up for the voyage.  It was 877 miles of somewhat stressful driving for Robert, though the weather was great and we didn’t hit any snow up in those West Virginia mountain passes.  I did see him flinch every time he spotted a surprise pothole… and he almost lost his mind as google maps took us the final 9 miles on a winding single lane (but two-way) back road complete with wildlife (and dogs) that weren’t eager to get out of the way of oncoming traffic.  The worst moment, though, was the overnight at a Holiday Inn outside of Morgantown.  I had to convince Rob not to sleep overnight in the van with all the glass, so we searched for a hotel with a very safe looking parking lot.  We wound up high up on a hill, backed into a brightly lit parking spot complete with cliffs on two sides, with a clear view of the hotel’s front desk.  Even so, Rob locked up the steering wheel with this huge chain that he brought, just in case.