Project manager’s report – Statistics


by Robert

Now that I’ve counted and measured the different parts of this project a thousand times, and then quickly forgotten the numbers when asked a question, here’s the rough tally.  I say rough because a) some numbers are estimates, and b) YOU try counting the number of glass pieces in ONE panel and get back to me about how accurate you think you are!

Total Stained Glass Panels: 65

Total Area of Stained Glass Panels: 197 square feet

Total number of Glass Pieces in Front Wall: 2,118

Front Wall Stained Glass Panels: 47

Side Wall Stained Glass Panels: 18 (projected)

Panel Dimensions:  20” square (visible glass), 20 7/8” square (exterior of zinc)

Width of Stained Glass Overall (Front Wall): 26 feet

Columns with Stained Glass (Front Wall): 14

Front Wall overall dimensions: 36 feet


Number of (front wall only) –

Butterflies: 7 (1 in caterpillar and 1 in chrysalis stage)

Flowers: 39

Ferns: 3

Magpies: 2

Wheat(s?): 17

Oak Leaves: 4

Acorns: 3

Honeycombs: 97

Honey Bees: 2

Kittens: 0

Stars: 30

Drips: 16

Embossed Makers Marks: 4

Depression Glass Plates: 17