Photographing completed panels

We’re almost done soldering column 9.

Rob photographed the 26 completed panels, columns 1 through 8.  Stained glass is notoriously difficult to photograph:  one camera and lighting setup captures colors, but not textures, another setup shows texture but not translucence, etc.  We settled for one shot with backlighting and a second with ambient light.  The backlit photos are so vividly colorful, but they look more like an illustration than a glass panel.  The photos below were snapped consecutively, with no changes at all to the setup, except for turning on the lightbox beneath the panel.

Rob then cropped all of the ambient photos (so we’d see some texture) and created a collage upon a 1/5 scale rendering of my final sketch, with the photos replacing their respective sketched panes.

Finished panels are photographs in columns 1-8, 9-14 are still sketches.